how to apply for homeownership

Habitat for Humanity partners with families who are ready for the responsibility and challenges of homeownership

Thank you for your interest in Habitat for Humanity Manitoba’s Homeownership Program. Please read the process and qualifications carefully to see if you are eligible to apply (see below). Sign up to receive email updates for announcements regarding the Homeownership Program towards the bottom of the page.


The Habitat Family Selection Committee is a staff-supported group of volunteers that includes people with backgrounds in healthcare, law, finance, education and social services. They bring expertise with respect to various challenges faced by families and children in low-income situations.

Committee members interview prospective families in their homes and communicate with landlords and employers. References provided by the family are checked and family finances and credit ratings are reviewed carefully.

Habitat for Humanity partners with families who are ready for the responsibility and challenges of homeownership, but would not qualify for a traditional mortgage. The selection of families is based on three principles: need, ability to pay, and willingness to partner.


Family selection is based on 3 principles:  need, ability to pay, and willingness to partner.

Habitat for Humanity Manitoba reserves the right to make the final decision for acceptance on all applications.  The following criteria are applied to determine eligibility:

  1. The applicant must be employed for a minimum of the past two years in the community in which the house will be built. Must be working at time of application.
  2. Must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada.
  3. Must not be receiving income from Employment & Income Assistance (social assistance).
  4. Must be ready to live where Habitat is building in the community.
  5. Must be willing to complete 500 sweat equity hours prior to house possession.
  6. Preference will be given to families with young children (under 18 years of age).
  7. Present housing must be at least one of the following:  too expensive, too small, unsafe, or substandard; applicants cannot currently own a house.
  8. Prepared to purchase a home at market value and able to commit to a mortgage.  Monthly mortgage payments (which include property taxes) are 27% of total family income as defined on line 15000 of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Notice of Assessment.
  9. Total family income as defined on line 15000 of the CRA Notice of Assessment must be less than $90,500. Minimum income to qualify for the program is determined by build project.
  10. Must be willing to provide the most recent CRA Notice of Assessment, as well as consent for Habitat to contact references from employer, landlord, and 2 other people who know the family well.
  11. Must be willing to provide your last 3 pay statements from all jobs and 2 months of all bank and financial statements, including credit card statements.
  12. Must consent to a credit check.
  13. Must be at least 3 years since a bankruptcy has been discharged.

Sign up today to receive email updates when we have announcements on our homeownership webpage.

* indicates required

Information sessions for Winnipeg builds will be held throughout the year. Applications will be available at each session. Ensure you have signed up to receive the email updates. When a session becomes available Habitat will send an email directing you back to the webpage to view the announcement with instructions on how to sign up for the session. Please direct all questions to [email protected]

Be sure your email service is not blocking emails from us.


Brandon, MB is currently accepting applications. To inquire about this build, email [email protected]

To inquire about all other builds outside of Winnipeg, email [email protected]


with a lot of help from our friends