donor FAQs

Get quick answers to all of your questions about donating to Habitat for Humanity Manitoba and Habitat ReStore. Don't see the answer to your question below? Contact us and we'll be happy to help you.

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Does donating to Habitat ReStore help Habitat for Humanity Manitoba build homes?

Yes! Our Habitat ReStores not only help find new homes for some fantastic re-usable household and renovation items for people in our community, ReStore purchases and donations also directly support Habitat Manitoba’s operations. So when you donate money to us, it goes straight toward building homes and a brighter future for low-income families.

How does Habitat for Humanity’s home building program work? What does my donation do?

Your donation enables Habitat Manitoba to build safe, decent and affordable homes, providing a hand up to working, low-income families (See our infographic on How it works for more details). We keep the cost of building these homes low by using volunteer labour, wherever possible, and by seeking donated building materials. We also work with cities, companies and the province to secure affordable land, whenever possible.

Habitat partners with families to build and pay for these homes. Partner families are identified based on need and ability to pay an affordable no-interest mortgage over a 20-year term, based on the full market value of the home. Families are also required to complete 500 hours of “sweat equity”, where they volunteer their time to help build homes and support the mission of Habitat for Humanity Manitoba.

Mortgage payment rates are assessed every year with families, with mortgage payments never exceeding 30% of their monthly income to ensure that they can afford food, transportation and other essentials. These mortgage payments go into a fund that helps us build more homes for other families.

Through this unique Habitat for Humanity affordable homeownership model, families are able to build enough equity in their home over time to qualify for a traditional mortgage with a major lender. Studies have also shown that the stability and security a Habitat home provides often translates into increases in the families’ incomes, enabling them to save for their children’s post-secondary education, take out a business loan or borrow from a traditional mortgage lender. Through our work, Habitat Manitoba is able to help these families break the cycle of poverty – both today and for future generations.

If Habitat partner families pay full value for their homes and payments are put toward building other homes, is my donation important?

Absolutely. Donations are vital in trying to keep up with the critical – and increasing – need for affordable housing in Toronto and the broader Manitoba in which one in five families lives in unaffordable and often unsafe housing. They must wait an average of seven to eight years to find affordable rental housing.

Although Habitat Manitoba is building more efficiently to accommodate even more families than ever, we need to keep building and that means we need your donations to do so. We use your donations, along with volunteer builders and donated materials to keep the cost of building homes low. But there are many costs associated with building homes such as, land purchase, taxes, permits, planning, and work like plumbing and electrical that must be performed by tradespeople, and a homebuilding project can take years to complete. Habitat families pay for their homes over a 20-year period, which means we will not realize the value of a home for twenty years. Your donations allow us to continue our work of building safe, decent and affordable homes that empower families to build strength, stability and a better life for themselves and their children.

The best part of giving to Habitat for Humanity Manitoba is knowing that when you donate a dollar, that dollar keeps on giving. It is invested into a home where mortgage payments will help pay for future homes. The more you donate, the more impact you can have on strengthening families and your community.

Will I get a tax receipt for my donation?

Yes, if you make a cash donation of a minimum of $20, you will receive a tax receipt.

If you donate items to our Habitat ReStore, depending on the assessed value of the item, you may receive a tax receipt for your donation.

How long will it take to get a tax receipt?

If you make your donation online, you will receive your tax receipt via e-mail shortly after you make your donation. If you call or make your donation through the mail, depending on when we receive your donation and the time of year/postal system, it may take between two to three weeks to receive one through the mail. If you provide an email address, we will send you your tax receipt via e-mail, which reduces wait times.

Will I get a tax receipt if I make a monthly donation?

Absolutely. We will send you a consolidated tax receipt for all your monthly donations in February (for the previous year’s donations).

I want to hold an event with proceeds going to Habitat for Humanity Manitoba. Can people who attend get tax receipts?

The rules for tax receipting events are more complicated. If you’d like to hold a community fundraising event, please contact us at (416) 755-7353 and we can discuss this with you.

I made a ReStore donation and the tax receipt is taking a long time. When will I get it?

Because it takes time to assess the value of donated goods, the tax receipting for Habitat ReStore takes longer than tax receipting for monetary gifts.

If you have an inquiry about a ReStore tax receipt, you must contact ReStore directly. You will receive a tax receipt once your item has been assessed and processed.

Can I make my donation offline?

Yes. You can either call us at 204-235-2407, or mail your donation into us at:

Habitat for Humanity Manitoba
60 Archibald St.
Winnipeg, MB. R2J 0V8

Making your donation online, however, is the fastest way to make a gift. Don’t worry – it’s completely safe and secure.

Online Donation

If I make a donation, will my name be sold to other mailing lists?

Your privacy is important to us. We do not trade or sell the names of our donors. Please review our privacy policy for more details.

If I sign up for monthly donations, can I stop?

Of course. We’re happy to help you with any changes to your monthly donations. Contact us at [email protected].

I donated to Habitat for Humanity Canada. Can you help me get a tax receipt?

Habitat for Humanity Canada fundraises for all 50+ Habitat affiliates across Canada. You can direct your donation through Habitat Canada to Habitat for Humanity Manitoba by explicitly designating your donation (writing that you want to send it to us on a donation coupon or by selecting the option to donate to Habitat Manitoba online).

If you make your donation to Habitat for Humanity Manitoba through Habitat for Humanity Canada, you must contact them about your donation. If you donate directly to Habitat for Humanity Manitoba, we can help you with any donation-related issues.

with a lot of help from our friends