critical repair program
The Critical Repair Program helps improve the quality of life for low-income homeowners by repairing critical and time-sensitive damage in their homes. By assisting low-income homeowners resolve health and safety deficiencies or accessibility modifications they cannot afford to take on, Habitat Manitoba supports families and seniors to remain comfortably in their home with pride and dignity.
Every year Habitat Manitoba receives requests from homeowners who need help with major repairs. In most cases, homeowners do not have the skills or access to funds to fix the issues and are anxious about needing to move or their home becoming unlivable. In response to this growing need, Habitat Manitoba has introduced the Critical Repair Program by starting with repair projects in the homes of low-income seniors in Winnipeg who have no other options. This program takes on projects that include installing lifts or ramps for accessibility, bathroom repairs or modifications, window and door repairs, fixing water damage or preventative work, roof repairs, and more. This grant program gives peace of mind to homeowners and eases strain on the social services and health care systems that would be impacted by displaced seniors if their homes aren’t repaired. It is estimated that this program delivers a return on investment, through avoided costs to the healthcare system of at least $5.64 for every $1.00 spent.
Habitat Manitoba is working with local agencies to connect with seniors in need of home repairs. Donations are currently being accepted to help grow the program and help us reach more homeowners in need. It is our aim that this program becomes a resource for all homeowners who want to stay in their home. To Habitat Manitoba, affordable housing means being able to remain safely housed.
We are pleased to offer suggestions as to how your gift can help low-income homeowners maintain and stay in their affordable home.
Grab bars are essential to a home’s safety, allowing people to be supported as they walk around the home or use the washroom. Typically grab bars are installed on the wall, in the bath or shower, or around the toilet.
Handrails inside and outside the house prevent falls as people use the stairs and help people get in and around their home.
We install updated smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in each home we work in.
It is common for weather and time to damage shingles, causing leaks and mold, making the home unlivable. A roof repair could mean a homeowner staying at home or needing to move if they can’t afford to fix it.
A lift or ramp outside the home could save someone’s life – it gives them access to health services and keeps them connected to their communities inside of confined at home.
To create a fully accessible bathroom, we need to build a barrier free shower, wheelchair accessible sink, and accessible toilet. This can also require widening doors and repair floors, and allows homeowners full access to their bathroom.
Interested in the Critical Repair Program’s services?
To qualify for the current program, the following criteria must be met:
- homeowners must be 65 years of age or older
- the applicant/homeowner must live in the home and provide proof of ownership
- household income must be below $50,000
- the Municipality assessed value of the home must be below $400,000
- property insurance must be current and valid
- the need for the repairs/renovations must be serious and urgent; and if not carried out, the homeowner’s safety, health or the structural integrity of the building will be jeopardized
- the homeowner is ineligible for any other repair or renovation funding program
- the requested repairs/renovations have not been started or substantially incomplete prior to the application approval
Applications are accepted by referral from a local agency or health care worker. If you need support, please connect with your social worker, nurse or local social agency to receive an application form and referral.
Thank you to our Supporters

Contact Information:
For program inquiries please email [email protected].
For sponsorship or gift in kind opportunities, contact Isidora Draskovic at [email protected] or 204-233-5160 ext 211.
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